कृषि महाविद्यालय, धाराशिव - ४१३ ५०१(महाराष्ट्र)

College Of Agriculture, Dharashiv - 413 501 (Maharashtra)


Faculties with ORCID iD and Scopus ID

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation ORCID ID Scopus Id
1 Dr. D.S. Perke Associate Dean and Principal 0009-0003-8065-0416 --
2 Dr. Jayshri B. Tawale Assistant Professor 0009-0008-2339-6550 --
3 Dr. M.S. Waghmare Assistant Professor 0000-0002-6359-530X --
4 Dr. R. A. Patil Assistant Professor 0009-0000-4561-8195 --
5 Dr. Anita V. Sable Assistant Professor 0009-0006-5320-9109 --