कृषि महाविद्यालय, धाराशिव - ४१३ ५०१(महाराष्ट्र)

College Of Agriculture, Dharashiv - 413 501 (Maharashtra)



Sr.no Semester Course No. Course Title Credits
1 I AHDS-111 Livestock Production and Management 2 (1+1)
2 IV AHDS-242 Livestock Breeding and Nutrition 2 (1+1)
3 V AHDS- 353 Technology of Milk and Milk Products 2 (1+1)
4 VI AHDS - 364 Sheep, Goat and Poultry Production 2 (1+1)
5 VIII ELM- AHDS-485 Poultry Production 10 (0+10)